
Archive for the ‘Orthodox Typikon: Systema Typikou in English’ Category

Protected: Systema Typikou: Forefestal, Afterfestal, and Apodosis Services ##182-194

In Orthodox Typikon: Systema Typikou in English on June 8, 2009 at 5:20 am

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Protected: Systema Typikou: Regular Services of the Great Feasts of the Master and Mother of God #171-181

In Orthodox Typikon: Systema Typikou in English on November 25, 2008 at 4:09 am

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On why I am working on the Systema Typikou, and not Biolakis (TME)…

In Orthodox Christianity: liturgics, Orthodox Typikon: Systema Typikou in English on November 25, 2008 at 2:57 am

I received a question recently with regard to the work on the Systema Typikou:

Dear Fr Patrick,  But the “Systema Typikou” is not in force. The Typikon of the Great Church (Konstantinos and Biolakes editions) is!  Why do you choose the Papagiannes work?

“The Papagiannes work,” Systema Typikou, is the most clear and well-assembled typikon available to me. It shows the various findings of the ancient typika which are available to us, all assembled into one volume. This provides a firm basis for constructing a typikon of Orthodox services as they ought to be celebrated in American Orthodox parishes.  Violakis is deficient in this; it is laconic in certain places, incorrect in others, and fails to address certain liturgical difficulties.

The Biolakis, TME, volume has many problems, even some rather egregious errors.  Archbishop CHRISTODOULOS, of thrice-blessed memory, began to address these in various decrees: the restoration of the Orthros Gospel to its proper place before Psalm 50, and the censing of the Gospel in the Liturgy in the more (traditional) solemn way.  Also, Biolakis, as Papagiannis says in his introduction, assumes a general knowledge of the typikon of Orthodox services on the part of chanters (psalteis) and clergy. This cannot be assumed in our day. Also, Biolakis makes little reference to the monastic practices. This relationship of the monastic typikon to the parochial is essential for all to understand.

Of course, in the end, the episcopal authority of any local church ought to provide the basis for liturgical practice. In our region, here in America, there is great confusion. It seems that “every man does what is right in his own eyes.” So, in the interest in heightening liturgical knowledge, I am busy bringing this holy typikon into the English tongue. May this humble work be a helpful contribution to the building up of our most holy Orthodox Christian faith in this land!

Protected: Systema Typikou: Divine Liturgy for Sunday #147-156

In Orthodox Typikon: Systema Typikou in English on November 8, 2008 at 11:40 pm

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Protected: Systema Typikou: Regular Vespers, Midnight, and Orthros for Sunday #133-146

In Orthodox Typikon: Systema Typikou in English on November 8, 2008 at 11:33 pm

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